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01 Symbolism

Q1 : Who painted this painting: Jupiter et Semele?

a  Gustave Moreau
b  Ingres
c  Dali

Q2 : Who organised the 6 shows from 1892 to 1897 on Symbolism?

a   the Protestant Church of France
b   the Rose-Cross
c   the French Academy

Munch :adam eteve

Q3 : Who was the main organizer of these shows.

a   Paul Cézanne
b   Arthur Rimbaud
c   Joséphin Peladan

Q4 : The word "symbolism" was offically adopted in which year? 

a   1905
b   1886
c   1810

Q5 : Who painted this painting?

a   Alphonse Osbert
b   Böcklin
c   Le Sidaner

Q6 : Who coined the word "symbolism"?

a  the painter  Chagall
b  the poet Moréas
c  the writer Victor Hugo

Q7 :  Who is not a Symbolist painter?

a   Puvis de Chavannes
b  Odilon Redon
c   Claude Monet

Q8 : Which operas were strongly influenced by the symbolists of the period?

a   Wagner
b   Vivaldi
c   comic operas

Q9 : Who gained fame with this painting of "Oedipus and the Sphinx", which took three years to prepare, and was presented at the Paris Salon of 1864? 

a  Paul Gauguin
b  Gustave Moreau
c  Puvis de Chavannes

Puvis de Chavannes : jeunes filles au bord de la mer

Q10 : Which poets strongly influenced the Symbolists of the period? 

a  Victor Hugo
b  Rimbaud
c   Beaudelaire et Mallarmé


the symbolists     

Photos d'ArtMagik

Symbolistes :

Quelques autres noms de peintres Symbolistes :

Français :

G. Moreau Puvis de Chavannes O. Redon Khnopff Louis Chalon Aman-Jean Schwabe Delville Hodler Toorop Osbert Georges de Feure Point

Suisse : Böcklin

English : Burne-Jones.

Tendances symbolistes chez E. Carrière Fantin-Latour Hébert Lévy-Dhurmer Le Sidaner