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01 The Nabis style


Q1 : Who painted this "Lady with a cape" in 1895?

a Valloton
b Verkade
c Ranson

Q2 : Who is not a Nabis?

a Vallotton
b Toulouse-Lautrec
c Maillol

Q3 : Who painted the "Talisman"?

a Laval
b Verkade
c Sérusier

Q4 : Who did this bas-relief?

a Verkade
b Lacombe
c Sérusier

Q5 : What does Nabis mean?

a prophet
b guide
c master

Q6 : Who is not a Nabis ?

a Cazalis
b Picasso
c Bonnard

the blue bedroom 1891

Q7 : Who painted this painting?

a Roussel
b Maurice Denis
c Ranson

Q8 : In which famous café  exposed the Nabis?

a Les Deux Magots
b Volpini
c Le Flore

Q9 : Who dictated the Talisman to Sérusier?

a Cézanne
b Van Gogh
c Gauguin

la paresse
Q10 : Who painted this work: "Laziness"?

a Ibels
b Vuillard
c Valloton

page réalisée sur une idée de   


A few Nabis links:

sculpture de georges Lacombe
Maurice Denis
Musee de Quimper

Music:Classical Archives timeline.gif (579 bytes)
PUCCINI, Giacomo (1858-1924); It.
La Boheme Act.1 - Questo mar rosso... (M.Salvi)