01 Pre-Raphaelites

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Q1 : Who painted these paintings?

a  Dante Rossetti
b  Everett Millais
c   Homan Hunt

Q2 : The students who founded the "Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood" came from which Academy in 1848?

a  Académie Royale de Paris
b  Royal Academy of London
c  Académie Royale de Pékin

Q3 :This movement wished to oppose which style in particular?

a   impressionism
b   surréalism
c   victorian academia

Q4 :Which magazine in 1850 supported the movement, especially the critique John Ruskin ?

a   La revue du Chat Noir(the Black Cat magazine)
b   La revue Germe (the Germ magazine)
c   La revue Corrigée (the Corrected magazine)

Q5 : What is the title of the Milais painting?Quel est le titre de de tableau de Milais?

a  Ophélia
b  Sirène (the Mermaid)
c   la Nageuse (the Swimmer)

Q6 : This movement inspires itself of which heritage in particular?

a   futurist
b   medieval
c   comtemporary

Q7 : Which great pre-romantic painter is a reference of this movement?

a   Léonard de Vinci
b   Rembrandt
c   William Blake

Q8 :Who painted:  "La belledame sans merci "( the beautiful Lady without mercy)?

a  Dicksee
b  Rossetti
c  Manet

Q9 :In which culture do the sources of this movement are mostly rooted?

a   Spanish culture
b   English culture
c   Hungarian culture

Q10 : What is the name of the model of this famous painting?

a   Greta Garbo
b   Elizabeth Siddal
c   Elisabeth Taylor


english education

Preraphaeliste links:

A few other Preraphaelites painters:

W. Homan Hunt - J. Everett Millais - Dante G Rosseti

Classical music Archives timeline.gif (579 bytes)

TCHAIKOVSKY, Pyotr Ilich (1840-93); Rus.
Rêverie (E.W.Cox)