03 Impressionism

Q1 : When one speaks of Monet, one thinks often of flowers and gardens.  Which gardens in particular?

a   Giverny
b   Étretat
c   Argenteuil

Q2 : Which woman is not an Impressionist painter?

a  Morisot
b  Varo
c  Cassatt

Q3 : The Impressionist painted outside. Who had the idea of a workshop on a boat?

a  Renoir
b  Monet
c  Manet

Q4 :Q4 Who painted this painting?

a   Cassatt
b   Morisot
c   Monet

Q5 : The Impressionist movement originated from a reaction against which other movement?

a  Fauvism
b  Surrealism
c   Romanticism

Q6 : His work includes several paintings of the Mountain Sainte-Victoire. 

a   Sisley
b   Degas
c   Cézanne

Q7 : What name was given to the group of Impressionists from 1869 to 1875, when they used to go to the Café Guerbois ?

a   Les Impressionnants (the Impressives)
b   Les Batignolles
c   Les Refusés (the Refused)

Q8 : Berthe Morisot married the brother of a famous painter.  Which one?

a   Manet
b   Degas
c   Monet

Q9 : Who did  Antonin Proust speak about in these words: ¨Chez …. , l'œil jouait un si grand rôle que Paris n'a jamais connu de flâneur semblable à lui , et de flâneur flânant plus utilement ….. ¨ ? (With ______ , the eye plays such a great role that Paris has never seen a wanderer like him, or such a wanderer wandering so usefully....)?

a   Monet
b   Renoir
c   Manet

Q10 :Who painted "La Seine à Charenton"?

a  Guillaumin
b  Bazille
c  Sisley

page réalisée sur une idée de   DIANE    


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