Marie Bashkirtseff (1858 - 1884)

selfportrait with a   palette (1880)
"But if I am nothing; if I must be nothing; why these dreams of glory since I can remember?

Marie was born November 11th 1860 in Gavrintsi in a wealthy bourgeois family....

Q1 : In which country?

a   Poland
b   Ukraine
c   Hungary

At ten years old, her mother took her to discover Europe: in Nice in 1871, and in Paris in 1877, in a private hotel of   Plaine Monceau, rue Ampère..

Q2 : Which artistic career does Marie want to follow before turning to painting, following an illness?

a   singer
b   actress
c   dancer

Since the Fine Arts Academy was forbidden to women, Marie signs up in one of the rare places in Europe which offered women schooling identical to that given to men artists.

Q3 : Which establishment allowed her to exercise her talent?

a   atelier Gustave Moreau
b   Académie Julian of Paris
c   Atelier Privé

In those days, painters had to exhibit their work at an official Salon of paintings: at the  Palais de l'Industrie in Paris.

Q4 : How many times did she enter it, often under an alias?

a  2
b  4
c  10

Q5 : What is the name of this painting, the most famous of this artist.

a   the Marble Players
b   the Fight
c   the Meeting

Q6 : Which work will make her famous eventually?

a   her songs
b   her paintings
c   her intimate journal

At the end of the summer 1884, her health getting declining, she believes in the love of a young talented painter. 

Q7 : Who was he?

a  Odilon Redon
b  Emile Bastien-Lepage
c  Emile Bernard

On stage, the  "Journal of Marie Bashkirtseff" is adapted several times between 1984 and 2001

Q8 : Who republished her intimate journal in its entirety in 1985?

a  Colette Cosnier
b  Régine Desforges
c  Christine Bard

Knowing she would die young, Marie put all her hopes in being famous in he intimate journal which she started at 14.   She contacted Edmond de Goncourt, Dumas Fils...

Q9 : With which writer did  she correspond?

a  Balzac
b  Victor Hugo
c  Guy de Maupassant

Atelier de femmes

When she died at 26, Marie left 100 painting and sketches, 6 pastels, 83 studies and 5 sculptures.

"Marie Bashkirtseff... a proud will to be".

Q10 : Who wrote these words?

a   Simone de Beauvoir
b   Françoise Sagan
c   Edith Piaf

Lire l'article E-Novateur sur Marie Bashkirtseff par Séverine Sofio

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translation: jcsatterlee 12/30/2002