01 Baroque Art

Baroque is an artistic style developed after the Reformation in the 17th century.   Artists used movement of forms and figures toward the viewer, dramatic lighting effects, contrast between dark and light, ornamentation, and curved lines to express energy and strong emotions.

Answer AQ1 : Who painted this painting?

a   Rubens
b   Pozzo
c   Giordano

Answer BQ2 : What is one of the characteristics of Baroque?

a   tempera
b   trompe-l'oeil
c   chiarroscuro

Answer CQ3 : Since when has the term Baroque been used to describe this style?

a   since 1789
b   since 1515
c   since 1860

Answer BQ4 : From which city did this style originate around 1630?

a   Londres
b   Rome
c   Amsterdam

Answer BQ5 : Who painted this painting?

a   Lanfranco
b   Vouet
c  Giordano

Answer BQ6 : Where did this style flourish in 1710-20?

a   In North Africa
b   In Catholic Europe
c   In North America

Answer CQ7 : Which painter is a native of Spanish Netherlands? 

a  Baciccia
b  Vouet
c  Rubens

Answer AQ8 : Which Baroque painter is a native of Spain?

a   Murillo
b   Rottmayr
c   Lanfranco

Answer AQ9 : Which Baroque painter is not a native of Italy?

a   Skreta
b   Tiepolo
c   Gregorio De Ferrari

Answer CQ10 : Who painted this painting?

a  Pozzo
b  Giordano
c  Pietro da Cortona

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A few Baroque links:
Pietro Da Cortona

Musique Baroque:
Henry Purcell (1659-95)
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) Co. Cm.The Four Seasons, Op.8 No.1-4 (M.Reyto) No.1 -
La Primavera (Spring) in E, RV.269 1.Allegro (34k)
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757)
Georg Frideric Handel (1685-1759)